Welcome at Praxis Dr. Zodan for gynecology and obstetrics.

Dr. med. Tina Zodan Otto
- Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics (FMH)
- Title of specialist in operative gynecology and obstetrics (FMH)
- Certificate of competence in pregnancy ultrasound (SGUM)
- Certificate in Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine (SAPPM)
- Certificate of competence in laser treatment of the skin (FMCH)
- Certificate of competence for the use of laboratory in medical practice (KHMK)
Care for women at all stages of life
Annual check-up: annual preventive examination including cervical cytology test (PAP test) and breast examination
Ultrasound examinations of the uterus and ovaries
Advice on family planning and contraception, all methods (including IUD insertion)
Adolescent gynecology
Counselling and treatment during menopause and post-menopause
Counselling and evaluation for infertility problems
Counselling, evaluation and treatment of genital infections
Counselling, evaluation and treatment of bleeding disorders
Breast examination and ultrasound
Screening for cancer diseases and after-cancer care
Psychosomatic evaluation of gynecological disorders
Laser treatments in the genital area
Planning and support in early pregnancy and pre-conception
Pregnancy follow-up (including high-risk pregnancies)
Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy:
First trimester ultrasound with measurement of nuchal translucency
2nd Trimester Sonography (organ screening)
Color-Doppler sonography
3D/4D ultrasound
Counselling on prenatal diagnostics (including first trimester test and NIPT)
Presence and medical support during birth (spontaneous vaginal, vaginal-operative and cesarean section
Postnatal care and support during the puerperium
Counseling for breastfeeding
Surgery on the uterus and ovaries via laparoscopy
Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy of the uterus
Operations on the cervix
Dilation & Curettage for all indications (bleeding disorders, obtaining material for endometrium cytology, termination of pregnancy